Do you really NEED a survey? YES!!!!

survey, property survey, buyer adviceThis is NOT what you want to wake up and see at the end of your driveway.

I know you may not be able to read it. I took the picture from the road at the other end of the driveway .

This is a “Private Property, Do not trespass” sign. It is literally at the end of a driveway. Right there in the center of the driveway. Not on the outside edge. There is a car parked to the left of the sign and one parked to the right of the sign. Both cars are in the driveway.

The sign does NOT belong to the home owner. It belongs to the gentleman who has purchased the land next door and behind the homeowner.

He intends on building a home on his property. He has to build further back off the road (behind this home-ish) due to the high tension line that is to the right of the property.

high tension lines

Indeed, the structure built must be at least 75 feet from the high tension line. I believe that is correct, 75 feet.

At any rate, his driveway will, in all probability go right where this driveway exists. I haven’t met these folks in person but I imagine he doesn’t WANT to be a stickler with regard to the driveway but he”NEEDS a driveway to his property and he is on limited space.

Mr. & Mrs. Buyer,

A survey may seem like an “added, unnecessary expense.” I know that you are spending a lot of hard earned money on your new home. I know that you already have a list of things that you can do with that $500 (some surveys are much less. Some are much more. It depends on the property). But you do not want someone to come take up your fence or tear up your driveway. You don’t want someone else to own the well you dig or lay claim to your outbuilding. CNN Money featured a wonderful article on who needs a survey and how often you should have one done. They site several ‘real life’ cases just like the one above.

The particulars are NOT important. What is important is that you are aware of your rights to a property survey when you purchase a home or land. AND that you know why you should give great consideration to the advice to, bite-the-bullet and get the survey. I want to help you protect your investment.

For more information regarding purchasing a home or land in the Charlotte region of North Carolina, please call Virginia Halter at 704-605-4285 or find me on the web.

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